Sunday, April 10, 2011

sans camera

Did I mention my camera is toast?  Well, it is.  And it's really hard to capture some things without a camera.  Like the sunset we just saw.  And the paintings I'm in the middle of.  And my wacky dog and her funny antics.  Can't wait until I get the hand-me-down camera from my sister.  Then maybe things can get back to normal! 

Well, as normal as they get around here.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I love Jamie Oliver

This is not the biggest news, because seriously, who doesn't love Jamie?

Here he is on David Letterman.

How can I get that excited about cooking?  Sometimes it seems like it's so redundant, I forget to have fun with it.  Maybe Spring coming will rejuvenate things again.

Here's hopin'!

Monday, April 4, 2011

sprint towards spring

I've a few cards on Etsy that expire on April 7th.  I could reinstate them, I guess.  But I'm also thinking about the upcoming season of Craft Fairs.  Which is hard to do, with the mountains of snow we still have on the ground. 

But I'm thinking about them nonetheless.  I think one Craft Fair per month should be enough to get everything back into the swing of Craft Fairs.  I only did one last year and it was pretty successful.  I wish I had more energy or courage or hutzpah (did I spell that right?) to do more and really get out there, but my inner critic pops up and I end the year doing less than I had wanted.

On a positive note, I have found a great way to frame my smaller pieces and I think that will help sell them - they're so tiny they're easy to miss, so the new framing should make them appear a lot larger, but still small enough for work cubicles.  I envision these little canvases finding homes in the places I used to work - also known as Cubicle Land.  A nice way to brighten up the boring beige and grey of most cubicles.

Oh, and did I tell you?  My camera died.  Apparently the main processor just went kaput!  It's going to be tough to take photos of the upcoming spring buds without a camera, so I'm busily researching my options.  Any suggestions?