Monday, July 26, 2010

best shot Monday - obsession

My current obsession is this horse.  He's by the side of Bennett Valley Road on the way to Santa Rosa California. And I think he's just beautiful.  Mum and Scott aren't as convinced.  But we've now stopped twice to photograph him.  And I believe we're going to stop one last time in the next couple days.  :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

my best shot Monday

I am forever trying to take photos of fish, and never really getting any due to the reflection of the water.  I think this one worked out pretty well.  It was in the Japanese Garden in Spokane and there was no sun overhead, so there was no big glare either.  It's still a little distorted due to the angle of the water and refraction and all that science stuff, but a huge koi shot nonetheless.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I'm away on yet another holiday.  Mum and I drove down to Glen Ellen California from Calgary Alberta.  It was a long drive (took 3.5 days) and we've not really stopped driving since.  There have been too many things to see and check out!  And then, of course, there was the "let's drive up Highway 1" issue that lead to "let's head back from here" problem, that meant 3 extra hours on the road. hmmmm... Perhaps that wasn't the best way to spend a day.
Regardless, away on holidays and yet still working, so is it really a holiday, or just work in another location?  It would be great if my 'work' could be always just wandering around checking out new things and reporting back (not exactly like Star Trek, but then again, I've always liked the beaming aspect of their travel).

It's been an interesting year so far - trip to Vancouver Island in April, appendix out in May, then another surgery for a myomaectomy days before our driving trip in July.  And when I get back my sister will be popping up for a visit... and then it's fall.  Very busy.  I really feel as if time is slipping by and I'm not using it wisely.  Best laid plans of mice and men and all that. 

But I am taking some great photos along the way!  Well, at least I think so.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

best shot Tuesday??

Okay so I was travelling yesterday!  That is my excuse for not publishing a photo on Monday.

What have I seen through my lens this week?  Well, a lot.  Mainly ... rose gardens.  And my Mum.  We're travelling down to Glen Ellen from Calgary.  That is quite a trek!  Along the way, we stopped at some gardens (well, not in Redding - it was too hot to get out of the car!)

I love the lens flare on this - an automatic vignette!

Monday, July 5, 2010

best shot monday

impossibly delightful??  This is a tough assignment.  Well, for me it is.  I'm not much in the mood for delightful.  I keep having health issue after health issue with no resolution to any of it.  "Uncertain medical significance" has been the term-of-choice from my GP.  Currently awaiting a myomectomy at 6:15am Tuesday morning.  I know some have it worse and handle it better, so I should suck it up or something.  But I'm not that resiliant.  So, let's see....  impossibly delightful....

Let's go with my niece last summer with the bubble maker toy.  I wish I had had a bigger telephoto to catch her pretty little face better, but she's in full jump/run mode, complete with her hair still falling down from her latest jump.  I find her impossibly delightful.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

summer away

I am not going to be here for part of the summer.  And I wasn't able to plant anything for the spring, and I wasn't able to weed much either.  Suffice it to say - my garden is a little weak this year.  I've managed to get AC to come by and weed a couple times, and I've broken down and purchased some annuals instead of growing from seed.  And then I have to leave it to (gasp!) other people to take care of for 3 weeks, and hope I don't come back to a jungle.  sigh   My dream is to come back to a fence painted and a weedless flowery garden.  Ha!  Good one.